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Productivity Wherever you Go

Logitech M325 Redesign

“I hate travelling around the house with my laptop and mouse, I always have to set it on my laptop and hope that it doesnt slide off”

 - Alison, Remote Worker

how could we make the Logitech M325 mouse easier to travel with?


People traveling short distances in would like to carry their mouse without packing it into a bag

The Logitech M325 is a popular mouse for its high quality, low price, customizability, and portability

However, its form is still bulky making it awkward to carry



Refinement Goals

Asset 2.png

Must be comfortable to hold and use

Asset 4.png

Must capture the aesthetic and price point of the benchmark mouse

Asset 3.png

Must do its one job (carrying) better than doing other jobs half as well


Thinner Profile

Lighter Weight

Mount to other Object

Wrist Strap

Fit into something else

Reduce misplace-able parts


Fir a pocket

Folding parts

Grippy texture

Secure it to body

New shape



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What could make a computer mouse easier to carry?

Early Ideation

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Open Hand Carry Mouse

Classic logitech form with a
finger-sized carrying handle


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